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I know that my second grader is already being asked to answer questions about what he is reading. This is a valuable skill to teach sooner than later, as it will help them become stronger readers and better students. It is more whimsical than other reading logs, catering to their inner child. In fact, they’ll likely pick up on the reference to Alice in Wonderland in the bottom corner. Let’s face it… teachers don’t have enough hours in a working day to teach their students everything they need to learn for the year.

There are reading logs with a summary, with the genre, rating, page numbers or the number of pages read, author of the book, and space for the parent’s signature. You can use the homeschool book log as a tool for setting goals and tracking your child’s reading progress over time. As they get older, have them keep track of the number of pages read and mark their progress on a scale from one to five stars. Below you’ll find free, printable reading logs in a variety of formats.
Track your child’s reading progress over time
Children not only have a short attention span at this age… but each one’s ability to spell, read and write varies so widely from one to the next in a classroom. I mean, most of the greatest books of all time have been made into movies. In fact, reading is typically assigned as homework these days… along with math, science, social studies, etc. This printable comes in two different versions- one for younger kids and one for older kids.

It’s great to have and follow even if very liberally. They are not meant to be altered or redistributed for free or monetary gain without written consent from the creator/author, Kelly of Simply Love Printables. If others want to use the printables for themselves, please share the link to the blog post. Teachers and educators can use printables in their classrooms and with other colleagues but cannot be edited in any way. To download, pick a reading log you'd like to use, click on the image and a PDF file will appear. No educator wants a to make a reading log template torture for a child… or for you.
Reading Challenge
This reading log is also a great resource for teachers – please, download and print as many times as you’d like. Especially with all of the changes in learning environments, reading logs are a great way to keep your students on track each month and help parents stay involved. You can use the free printable book log to help your kids develop better reading habits too, by helping them set goals and track their progress. Here are some reading log templates for you to use. Download and use the book log in your bullet journal, daily planner, Happy Planner, or notebook so you can track your daily reading. This 17-page free printable reading journal includes book quotes, reading logs, book trackers, book reviews, library book tracker and more.

But kids need to keep up some semblance of a routine during summer vacation… or else they run the risk of having a hard time adjusting when it’s time to go back to school. One where it’s important to not only teach our children the literature of the past… but also introduce them to the culturally relevant literature of today. The idea behind the model is to steer young readers towards books they can read successfully on their own.
Pin Free Reading Printables
If you do not see the email in your inbox within a few minutes, check your spam folder. Although I’m a huge fan of digital reading platforms, having a tangible book log in front of me has so many added benefits. These logs make reading fun and are as easy as it gets when it comes to keeping tabs on their progress.
If you’re tracking daily reading, you’ll probably need a few copies each month. A homeschool book log is also a great way to recognize when your child accomplishes progress with their reading. You can also discover what types of books your child is interested in and see their reading progress over time. We also offer reading quotes that you can use to make printable posters or add them to pages in your reading journal template. Keep track of the number of pages you read each day with this reading log template.
Then open it via a browser or Adobe application to print it out at home or at the office. After you print out your reading log, you can personalize it with your own sketches or drawings and start filling it out. Reading many books is an achievement that you deserve to recognize. When your book log is long and you don’t keep a record of the books you read, you will not be able to create the list years from now. Use this template to write your favorite quotes from the books you read. You can also add some book quotes / reading quotes.

This is important for those who want to read, but life gets in the way sometimes. Reading has been practiced as long as the written word has existed. Nowadays, there are many different mediums, including books, magazines, newspapers, websites, and comic books. Learning how to read includes improving comprehension, phonics, and spelling. Because reading is such a fundamental skill, it is vital to succeed in other fields, providing the basis of study and learning necessary to education. You can also choose to download each page individually, or click “ALL PAGES” to download all pages of the reading log, including my unique daily and weekly reading minutes log.
So it makes sense that some things would need to be completed at home. The second one works well if your child easily reads through an entire book. This is really helpful to create some pride and excitement for how many books they’ve read so far. Then as they get older you can set larger goals with them like “read 100 pages this month”, or “read one chapter book a week”. Not only can you celebrate them reaching their goal of reading a certain amount of books or pages, but when they reach higher levels in their reading. Before you grab a copy of the free homeschool book log, let’s go over what a book log actually is.

Whether you like fiction or non-fiction literature, horror, fantasy, self-help books or detectives, the journaling habit can take your reading experience to the entirely new level. Browse the selection of beautiful reading log templates for kids to control what and how much your kids read. These illustration are making reading log visually appealing, while the reading and journaling process fun and enjoyable. Download to help your kid keep track of reading activity, specify the amount of minutes spent on reading and control their reading homework progress easily.